Seriously!?!? If you haven't read my post, "The Computer Saga," on my other blog, you will want to before reading this one. It's not a "must," but it will make more sense.
Remember, the second hard drive crashed in less than a week. I flipped out and made the management decision that we would not put anymore money into that lemon of a computer. After researching cheap laptops, I found one and purchased it. Loved it, but it has the freakin' loudest right/left click buttons on the blessed planet. I spent part of a couple of days getting my new computer all set up.
....and then......the other computer started working. I KID YOU NOT!!!! My sweet hubby being ever the stubborn individual that he is started playing around with it and realized that for some reason the hard drive had not been well seated in it's port. (Okay, I'm making that up, but basically it wasn't plugged in all the way.) After messing with it, he turned it on and LAAAAAAAAA, it worked. I wanted to cry. In my haste to not be without a computer over my winter break, I had spent money we definitely did not have to waste.
Luckily for me, my hub is a sweetheart and pointed out that it could crap out again anytime and then I'd be up the proverbial creek. It made me feel a little better.....only a tiny bit. Mostly, I have learned an expensive lesson in patience. Next time I will remember to breathe before jumping off the deep end.
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